1884 letters to Frances
Frances was known to all as Frank, and Robert's nickname during this time was Rien.
Saturday, Jan 19 (confirmed Jan 19th fell on a Saturday in 1884)
Little Invalid: Scheme is working admirably. Called on the avenue yesterday about 1 P.G.(?) to see Jun and we two corpses had a love feast till six o'clock. After supper I inquired as to your health and was informed that you were no better, but not seriously ill. So Jun and I went to the theatre. It is no use Frank. I can't feel at home with her. She seems to freeze me up. I have promised to go to Church with her Sunday. This is leap year with a vengeance(?). She actually insisted on this, probably she intends to console me for your supposed hard heartedness by her company. It seemed a great effort to ask me to the party, but she done it, though it hurt. Have not been well myself. No work since a week ago yesterday. My face swelled up and with 5 teeth jumping, I had a real enjoyable time. Couldn't go to the wedding, sorry because I never went to one and want to see the performance. Rather a melancholy affair. Well, I must see my good angel soon. Can I come Tuesday? Yes. Thanks, you may expect me about 7. Yours Rien |
Chicago, March 10, 1884 Mine: Isn't this nice warm weather weather: am so happy about it that I have been singing very sweetly (as I thought) all morning until just now. I have been temporarily silenced by a protest in the shape of a wet sponge from an unappreciative hearer, but song "crushed to earth will rise again" with redoubled intensity, and won't they suffer. But to the point, I have a favor to ask as usual and of the usual kind, your company. To the Grand Friday eve. Attraction for you The Rajah, to me a double one, The Rajah and your enjoyable society. I don't suppose there is any necessity of rigidly enforcing your sentences, and then the time should be shortened by good behavior. So don't refuse if you can conveniently go. Your, Rob |
July 9, 1884
Mine Lieber Am better this morning. Must apologize for calling when sick, but didn't want to give in that I was sick, and wanted to talk to you and hear your acct of 4th of July happenings and happiness, but I had to give in and go to the doctors. He says "take the best care of yourself." So I shall be a monotonous "early to bed and early to rise" machine for some time, and it hurts for I have been looking forward to some enjoyable little picnics with just we 2. I am going to try and stay home for 4 to 6 weeks, so when you are having a real splendid time please remember a lonesome cross Rien at home, and write him an acct of it, for your happiness is his. Bye Bye Rob |