may 15th, 1918
Dave misdated the year of this letter, which was confirmed both by checking the date on
which Wednesday fell in 1917 versus 1918 and by reading the contents of the letter itself.
which Wednesday fell in 1917 versus 1918 and by reading the contents of the letter itself.
Click on the original letter to enlarge it.
Washington, D.C.
Wednesday 5/15/17 9 a.m. Dear Jane, Just arrived in Washington on our way north. Left camp about noon yesterday. Have had quite a load all the way - 16 cars packed full. I have been doing train guard duty. Was on guard when we went through Richmond at about 1:30 A.M. Red Cross and Y.M.C.A. have been passing cigarets all along the route. Didn't get mirror or cookies. They will follow us up I hope. No [one] is allowed to [leave the train car?]. All James could see of ??? was Wash. monument & the capitol from the train. Address until further notice: 4th T.M.B. 4th Div. Reg. Army, A.E.F. Love to all, David |