FAIRVIEW FARM photographs
Russ Mason's interpretation of the handwritten notes (possibly written or dictated by James Mason) that accompanied the above picture, which was sent to Russ by the Downers Grove Historical Society...
1899 Ziba wearing a cap. Farming crew at threshing time. In this picture are: Ralph , Norman and Horace Mason (other brothers and sisters not pictured: James, David, Florence and Jane). 15 neighbors brought their horses, wagons, and pitch forks to help thresh the oats on Fairview farm. The farm was on Fairview Ave. in Downers Grove between 55th and 63rd on the east side of Fairview Ave. The power was likely a Holt coal burning tractor with a long leather belt. Some of the men in this picture were on the school board of Maercker on Cass Ave. |
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