mason house (park ridge, il) - recollections
"When I was in Chicago, your dad was extremely helpful and nice to me. I did some work for him when his office was in the basement of the Adams Street house, doing filing, etc. He taught me to drive in the city and how to park parallel by setting up barrels in the driveway of your home in Park Ridge. He often took his car on Fridays and left it for me for the weekend, taking the train back home. I was able to drive Grandma and Aunt Jane to family dinners and to visit with their friends. I have often thought that I didn't thank him much for doing that and probably didn't buy gas for the car. I spent a weekend or so with your family in Park Ridge. I remember being there when Don was a few months old as your Mom was having a break. Anyway, I just want you to know how much I appreciated that." - Ida Frances Marshall (August, 2009), from an e-mail to Russ Mason about her time in Chicago in the early 1950s