August 7th, 1893
Inexplicably, the bottom third of pages 3 and 4 of this letter are missing.
Aug 7, 1893 Dear Frank, We are having some cold weather too. Yesterday and Saturday was quite raw. Saw several Spring overcoats in use during the day and evening, The girls address is Tulare, So Dakota care Geo Mason. They will be glad to hear from you, and said before they went away that would write you from there. I am feeling well. Must take exception to your slurs as to the condition of the house. Am confident it is in just as good shape as when you left Mrs. Patton and I, principally Mrs. P an excellent clean housekeeper, and Sunday |
is sweeping day. No, you are wanted for your own personality, not for your housework in particular.
Well, our prayers have been answered and the Masons start for Bay City tonight, but poor Amy. Am afraid she will not be long able to survive their depressing influence. Got along somewhat cheaper last week. Have about 4.00 left now out of 10.00 drawn a wk ago Sat. Called at Uncles yesterday and stayed to lunch. They are feeling first rate. Miss Thayer(?) came in during evening, and Uncle went to church in morning with the new girl. Went to Western Ave Methodist Episcopal church and got squeezed in with a lot of fat men and women, and couldn't hitch around so did not enjoy the sermon of Bishop |
Merrill I believe it was. He says he never went to that church yet, but met some unpleasantness and is anxious for Robey St ??? to start, so that they may attend their old church. Am over at Ada St now writing this while folks have gone to the depot. The street up to [The bottom portion of this page is missing] |
Yesterday I saw her jump for one, but he got away under the fence. Hartwell is having a spell of don't feel well. Business matters trouble not but what he is in almost perfect shape financially, but he don't like the numerous failures of neighbors and old business houses, which we all considered equally good, if not better than he. The Badenocks(?) have failed and it is reported have given up all property, homestead and all, and start life over again. [The bottom portion of this page is missing] |